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         Vol.2   Issue 3             The digital news magazine of RCM Enterprise Services                August 2019

       Clearwater, Florida
                                      Will Meaningful Data Change

                                      How Labs Do Business?

        Sunny with a chance
          of thunderstorms


     —Featured Article

     —Compliance Update


     —Corporate Report

     —For the Humor of It

     “Data analytics is
     a powerful agent for
     change and because               As clinical laboratories look to expand operations, laboratory executives
     of this, it is important         are turning to data analytics to improve the laboratory’s performance.
     to know how the data             Implementing a test utilization program to evaluate and reduce
     is gathered, cleaned,            pointless testing is a big win for laboratories. Current changes in lab
     and presented to
     tell the story”                  reimbursements are moving to a model that is based on quality and
                                      value and is changing the landscape, therefore, making lab administrators
       Learn More
                                      more accountable and resourceful. With a worthy decision to use
                                      an analytical system to extract a large amount of testing data,

                                      laboratory managers will be able to take a hard look at
                                      unnecessary testing.
                                                                                 Continued on page 02 

       Genetics І Laboratory І Pathology
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